A good way to discover your inner child is through play. It is a wonderful way to discover your needs through play or game, especially those needs that were left behind in your childhood. Play time will automatically bring these needs to the surface. When activated some of these will mature and will take the form of your actual needs as an adult. Play time is a great way to understand that your needs are good and that you are precious and unique. It is a very helpful and effective way to help you express positive feelings about yourself.
I would suggest you set aside an hour every day to do what you want. Schedule this time as if it is a professional appointment and satisfy your wish. Wear something that you want to wear even if you think it is exaggerated or over the top! Eat whatever you feel like eating and put on whatever music you prefer, indulge yourself and have fun .When you get used to this time set aside for fun and play, you will notice that there is some connection between the needs of the inner child and the adult. Welcome to my inner child…
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