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Welcome to “Reiki Touch” – Reiki in Crete

Reiki Crete

Internal Strength is within our nature!
The secret to this is… Reiki!

Harmony is within us…
Let yourself go with the flow… feel the power… and experience the beneficial effects of Usui Reiki Ryoho, Angelic Reiki, Meditation, Self-Awareness and Channeling!

Let the spirit of the river carry you and fill you with love, joy and
inner peace …!

Reiki Treatments in Crete. Chania – Rethymno – Heraklion

Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd degree Workshop

dsc_9289With much happiness we welcome our brothers and sisters to the Angelic Kingdom. In the weekend of 17-19 / 11/2017, the initiation of the first and the second degree in Angelic Reiki took place. Through this system all students became bodies of the energy of the Divine Mind. They allowed themselves, in their consciousness, the opportunity to unite with their Divine nature.

It was a great joy for us that we all joined together to bring the Angelic Vibration to Earth. As we shall live in this Vibration, all problems and grievances will be reduced and some of them will disappear. We have allowed the higher Vibration of Love to anchor into our hearts.

1st and 2nd degree Therapists Angeliki Reiki
Antonia Strongylaki GR 1157/01
Christina Skoura GR 1157/02
Eftychia Daskalaki GR 1157/03
Eleftheria Maraki GR 1157/04
Helene Bragg Maraki GR 1157/05
Angeliki Havredaki GR 1157/06
Niki Vrontaki GR 1157/07
Maria Zumadaki GR 1157/08
Rouxani Kampouraki GR 1157/09
Sotiria Caplan GR 1157/10
Evangelia Vamidaki GR 1157/11
Zoe Tselios GR 1157/12
Emilly Katraki GR 1157/13
Androniki Elinikaki

Thank you to all of you, whom entrusted us, honored us and gave us the opportunity to become your Teachers and instructors.

We also thank the Angelic Kingdom that was present during our workshop.
With Love and Honor
Aspasia – Evangelos

The Angels in Our Life


The time has come so that we can all have the ability to have contact with Angels.

What they would like us to know is that: we love you and want to be with you in your evolutionary journey. Call on us and we will be with you. Do not doubt that we have not heard whatever you have requested. We are here for you and we are happy to be so. Through the use of many means we show you our presence whether it is through your intuition, showing up in your dreams, through a human angel, a book, a feather, a song, anything that will catch your attention. We would like to help lighten your load. We are delighted when you ask us for help. We love and embrace you all.

The time has come to trust them, and let go.

What we need to do is to: invoke the suitable Angel or Angels for each situation e.g. if we have an issue of injustice invoke the Angels of justice to bring justice to the specific situation, trust and leave it in their hands .You do not need to know their names etc. Of course any angel you call upon is able to help.

When working with the Angels in our daily lives, our life becomes more beautiful because we are united with the angelic realm and unconditional love. We are safe, peaceful; everything in our life is created through love.

We give thanks to the Archangels, the Angels, the great Masters and the Spiritual Guides who are near us.


Meditation is not something that is in the mind, it goes beyond the mind. During meditation we sit still and quiet the mind and enjoy the act itself of being silent. It is something that we must learn to remember, it is our inner nature it is our actual innate existence. We have become ignorant and blind to our true self. When we go within, it is at first like delving into chaos and this is how it is, we become witness to the chaos we ourselves have created, we must learn to face our creations and deal with them. Great patience is needed to actually get to know ourselves. When we go within we will find our center, and we will find the light.
The key to meditation is to become observers. We learn to simply observe our thoughts without judging them and then we will see these disappear and vanish. It is at this stage that we have achieved awareness, only then we can penetrate deeply and reach the inner depths of our being.
Meditation transforms us, changing the way we live our lives. With meditation we can achieve a deeper understanding, feel inner joy, sweetness, we are calm and energized, and able to make better decisions, we have amplified health and wellness, and we learn to live our lives through joy and creativity. Let us all devote some time to the daily practice of meditation and enjoy its benefits.

Angels and Archangels

All Angels and Archangels express divine and spiritual qualities which exist within every human being. We are all connected to their energy, what you need to do is remove the veil, that is to get activated raise our vibration and discover that we have these connections and these qualities.
All of us at some point in our lives feel like we have had contact with an angel or archangel, through having a feeling or having a pleasant sensation, have actually seen one, or feel like someone is guiding us, notice a sudden gain of strength, feel courage in a difficult situation, or a sense of safety.
Archangels guide and advise us on specific areas representing the energy of everyone. The Angels have different specializations and different functions that help in countless ways. Everyone has his own guardian angel that is always with us throughout the course of our lives.
The Angels are all around us and anytime we can call on them and ask them for their help for anything. They do not interfere in our free will and will not intervene in our lives except for only in some dire situations .They will only come when we call on them for help or guidance.
Always thank the Angels for their help and for their blessings.

Our inner child

A good way to discover your inner child is through play. It is a wonderful way to discover your needs through play or game, especially those needs that were left behind in your childhood. Play time will automatically bring these needs to the surface. When activated some of these will mature and will take the form of your actual needs as an adult. Play time is a great way to understand that your needs are good and that you are precious and unique. It is a very helpful and effective way to help you express positive feelings about yourself.
I would suggest you set aside an hour every day to do what you want. Schedule this time as if it is a professional appointment and satisfy your wish. Wear something that you want to wear even if you think it is exaggerated or over the top! Eat whatever you feel like eating and put on whatever music you prefer, indulge yourself and have fun .When you get used to this time set aside for fun and play, you will notice that there is some connection between the needs of the inner child and the adult. Welcome to my inner child…

I Live in the Now

An analysis of the ancient Greek letters of I live in the now – Ζω το τώρα are decoded as meaning:

Ζ : η Ζωη – Life
Ω : πλανήτης Γη- Planet Earth
Τ : στερέωση της ενέργειας – Securing the energy
Ο : χώρος περιορισμένος – limited space
Τ : στερέωση της ενέργειας – Securing the energy
Ω : πλανήτης Γη – Planet Earth
Ρ : ροη ενέργειας – The Flow of Energy
Α : αρχική δύναμη – Initial life force

Yesterday has passed and cannot be changed. Tomorrow cannot be known. The only thing left to live is the present, now. To live in the present we must be focused on today and be able to be conscious of the moment! This provides us deep satisfaction. To live in the now does not mean to passively tolerate any situation and not do anything about it. Nor does it mean to stop making plans and not get actively involved. The only condition whereby we can experience the flow of life is in the now. Acceptance of the present moment without conditions and reservations is the ideal. When things go wrong we do not have to accept an unpleasant situation but at the same time should not be fooling ourselves that it does not fully exist. We must recognize that want to get out of there, then focus on the present moment without any judgment. Only then can we take action and find a solution. Such action taken is positive. We then ask ourselves: Is there anything I can do to change the situation and can I remove myself from this situation? And take action. Life is fully cooperative and helps us. If we come up against any obstacles then we must better control our resistance to the situation. We must take responsibility for our lives, it is in our hands.